Your guide to making ethical decisions

The decisions you make can impact us all.

Each of us plays a key role in upholding JTI’s standards and values, ensuring JTI’s reputation is protected and that JTI remains a great place to work.

In most of your day-to-day activities, the right decision will be clear to you, based on our values, our Code of Conduct and other company policies and procedures. Your own common sense can also help you to decide what’s right.

However, at times, you might face situations where you are unsure what the right thing to do is. In these situations, ‘Your Guide’ leads you through the decision-making process, allowing you to consider all relevant factors and anticipate the potential consequences of your decision.

‘Your Guide’ is a simple tool to help you make the right decision for you and for JTI.

If something doesn’t feel right…

For example, you’re unsure about something that:

  • You plan to do
  • You were asked to do
  • You saw or heard

Ask yourself: is there an issue?

Consider how you would feel:

  • If you saw it in the media?
  • If people close to you found out?

Then check if it is:

  • Legal?
  • In line with our Company values and Code of Conduct?
  • In line with your own values?

Once you feel comfortable

Go ahead

Still concerned or not sure?

Ask for advice from any of the following:

  • Your Line Manager
  • Your local P&C Business Partner
  • Your local Legal Counsel
  • A member of the Business Ethics team or your Regional Compliance Officer
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