Live our Code

Dear colleague,

Welcome to the latest version of the JTI Code of Conduct. It has been updated and is easily accessible online and through mobile devices.

At its heart, the Code outlines our commitments in four key areas: our people, our products, our business integrity and our role in society. It describes what is expected of each of us, regardless of our level in the Company, function or market. For situations which are unclear "Your Guide" can help you work through your decisions and feel more confident about having made the right choices.

I encourage all Line Managers to lead by example and promote ethical behavior within their teams. I expect them to create environments that promote understanding and open discussion, in which employees feel comfortable speaking up. It is only through our common commitment to ‘doing the right thing’ that we will meet our business goals and ensure that the true spirit of JTI is preserved and reinforced.

Use the Code in your dealings with colleagues or business partners, discuss it, understand it and, most importantly, live it. Every day.

Winning Attitude | Better together | Committed to quality | We do the right thing

John Fraser
Senior Vice President Legal and Regulatory Affairs and Chief Compliance Officer

“Use the Code in your dealings with colleagues, partners or suppliers, discuss it, understand it and, most importantly, live it.”

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